As professional baby photographers in Castleford, we enjoy working with new people regularly but we also feel very flattered and extremely lucky when clients come back to us time and time again for their photographs.
We provide a top quality service, the products we offer are the best we can find and we accept only two portrait sessions a day so that our clients have plenty of time and we have the best chance of getting them photographs that they will be delighted with.
We first met Gemma over a year ago when she was expecting Jasmine. We've done a maternity photo session, a new-born portrait shoot when Jasmine was five days old and still known as "Peanut", a baby photography session for her at around seven months old when she was sitting solidly and now, her 1st birthday portrait session. The past year has flown by and it's lovely to see her growing into a lovely little girl!
Gemma and her husband Paul's favourite images from the three sessions from new baby to one year old will be designed into a personalised baby book as a keepsake for Jasmine to treasure throughout her life and to show her just how precious she is to her mum and dad.
Gemma brought along several changes of clothes for Jasmine, along with lots of props to play with including balloons, wooden blocks, a stack of presents wrapped in bright purple paper and a box of cupcakes which we decided would be best left until the end of the session when we let Jasmine loose on a cupcake resulting in a great sequence of smash the cake baby photographs.
If you would like some professional baby photographs, our session fee is just £35. Our diary is getting full in the run up to Christmas so if you would like photographs to give as gifts, please call us as soon as possible on 01977 730159 to book your appointment.